Konwersacje native speaker - angielski - biznesowy, Lublin / on-line w Lublin

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  • ➡️ Forma zajęć: Online
  • ➡️ Stawka za godzinę: 70 zł
Hello Lublin, how are you? Do you want to have some fun this summer along with brushing up on your English skills? Do you want to learn English with a Native Speaker with a Neutral American Accent?

I am Dew and I am here to provide some funful time with productive lesson structure. If you want to develop on the area of your expertise with focused vocabularies, phrases, idioms and of course a ton of real-life conversations, then find no more and hit me up. I could also help you to make the base of your English grammar by honing your skills on tenses, prepositions, voices, adjectives etc. I have taught in very different backgrounds for the last 9 years. I have spent six long years teaching Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese students during my stay in Asia. I have also handled a lot of Ukrainian and Polish students during the last 4 years of stay in the continent of Europe. So, I am quite used to understanding and working with various cultural backgrounds with various English levels. I am well trained to teach offline and online both. If you're in Lublin, I highly recommend you to find me offline and the coffee is on me. If you're not in Lublin or find it unaffordable to manage time outside, then we could use an online medium for our lessons.

My usual areas of expertise are--
1- Business English with Business phrases and idioms, Small Talk in Business Atmosphere, Expressions to use in Business Conversations.
2- Professional English with Key Vocabularies and Phrases on the focused career, Real-Life Conversations in tackling various issues regarding your job or business.
3- General English with lots of Grammar lessons, Speaking and Listening Activities, Reading and Comprehension.

I not only offer the service of my Native language which is English but also a storytelling method which will take you to different cultures in various parts of the world and of course this comes free with the lessons. I love having fun, so I can't conduct or experience a soulless boring lesson. So, I bet your summer will be eventful and unforgettable if you choose to opt into my lessons.

PS- Please call or email me as I find it a faster or easier way of communication.

Summer vacation (June, July, August) enrollment promotion - 70 PLN/60 MIN, 90 PLN/90 MIN
PS- 30 mins free consultation before enrollment.
🏷 zł70
📍 Region: Lublin
💁‍♂️ Dew
⏱ Czas publikacji : 28.06.2023

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