Lekcje z native speakerem z USA w Wola

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  • ➡️ Forma zajęć: Online
  • ➡️ Stawka za godzinę: 80 zł
Hi there! My name is Rachel. I am originally from the Boston area, but I have been living in Warsaw for 7 years and have 6 years of experience teaching English and tutoring in various subjects.

I love teaching students of all ages and helping them reach their goals.
Teaching adults in the corporate setting has been a joy. Whether it's general English, business English or specialized vocabulary, I have seen my students grow in their confidence and abilities, which has a direct impact on their work performance.

With my younger students (from 10-20), I take great interest in their academic performance and achievements. As someone who had high ambitions as a student, I admire their dedication in pursuing extra classes. I help my students improve in their school lessons, grow their English skills beyond what they can learn with their peers, pass exams (Matura, IELTs, konkurs), prepare to study in English / abroad and achieve their dreams.

**lessons start at 80zł/hr, but prices can range depending on lesson-type**
🏷 zł80
📍 Region: Wola
💁‍♂️ Rachel Lukasiak
⏱ Czas publikacji : 02.07.2023

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