Online English fluency lessons with a true blue U.S.A. native speaker w Targówek

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  • ➡️ Forma zajęć: Online
  • ➡️ Stawka za godzinę: 90 zł

I'm Terry, an enthusiastic and dedicated native speaker from the United States of America, with 3 years of experience providing American English fluency lessons. I currently live here in Warsaw, Poland.

I offer you my assistance with improving your English fluency within individual or group lessons. I have experience working with schools, companies, and private individuals, including doctors, teachers, and lawyers.
Teaching and learning are my passions.
Witnessing the successes of those whom I speak with, is my greatest joy!

I can and will assist you with:

- breaking that speaking barrier, blockade, in classroom, boardroom, live on stage
presentations, conversations with colleagues and clientele, even in that dreaded small talk
- expanding your vocabulary
- teaching you American pronunciation, slang and idioms
- to understand specialized jargon for your professional field such as the medical field (for both
human and veterinarian), engineering, architectural, design, construction, financial,
marketing, security, general laborer, technical, retail and customer support.
- teaching you new ways to make communicating faster via text and chat
- And much more - depending on your needs.

I choose age appropriate programs individually based on the level and capabilities of each and every person from elementary to advanced levels of learning. I will share additional home study materials for free.

About me:
I am an easy going person from the northeastern region above the city of Pittsburgh, in Western Pennsylvania. I studied drafting and design, chemistry, psychology, sociology, anatomy & physiology I & II, and medical terminology. I have more than 25 years of customer service experience. I have worked as a construction worker, general laborer, butcher, a mover, security officer, a store associate at both Walmart and Target, a Canon Technical Support representative, so I have a diverse knowledge of vocabulary and jargons specific in various educational and career fields. I love to share my knowledge and passion for communication with others. I understand that as we are not born knowing how to be mechanics, chefs, doctors or lawyers, nobody is born knowing how to speak English, even I had to learn it. It is a process and I am willing to assist you with it. I won't just give you the answers, instead I will journey with you as we work together so you can have the satisfaction of your successful quest of having the English you yearn to learn. The best things in life are not just given to us, we earn them through having dedication, hard work, determination. And when you obtain your English fluency that you strive for, your victory lap that you will be able to enjoy will be all the more sweeter!! I believe in you, so come on, let's head 'em up!! And move 'em out!!

Currently I am using Google Meets or Skype for online lessons, but I am willing to consider other possible video conferencing options. I will share additional home study materials for free.
I sincerely appreciate you taking time to read my post. I truly hope you have a fantastic day!

Best regards,

Native Terry

So go ahead and drop me a line at your convenience, to contact me by way of the following various options:

On Skype, WhatsApp, Fb messenger: Native Terry
On Instagram: native terry
By Phone Call or SMS: 50*****17 or 53*****77

90 PLN per person for 60 minutes

In the event I am preoccupied with another person's lesson, I will reply back to you ASAP (as soon as possible).
🏷 zł90
📍 Region: Targówek
💁‍♂️ Native Terry
⏱ Czas publikacji : 29.04.2023

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