Angielski z native speakerem - bez stresu! w Krowodrza

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  • ➡️ Forma zajęć: Online
  • ➡️ Stawka za godzinę: 70 zł
Hi my name is India,
I am a TEFL certified English language tutor from Great Britain with 2 years experience!
I can offer:
-Classes for Adults 16
-Lessons online (Zoom, GoogleMeets, Microsoft Teams, Skype)
-A 15 minute free trial lesson to get to know each other, and what you want to achieve from our lessons.
-Business English
-English Academic writing
-General English & Conversational skills
-CV writing help

I have taught English to adults and children both online and in person, from all over the world, including Poland. My teaching style is relaxed, with an emphasis on practical language exercises and conversation practice. I can teach all aspects of english language, depending on your goals. I am a friendly and dedicated tutor who loves to talk about a variety of different topics from psychology to TV, music, and the latest news articles.

I can also help you improve your written English for CV’s, Personal statements, Essays, and more…
My lesson prices are as follows:
15 minute trial lesson FREE!
70 zl per 1hr session
OR book 10 Lessons in advance and receive a 10% discount

For more information: please contact via OLX or through Facebook: ‘LearnwithInd’
🏷 zł70
📍 Region: Krowodrza
💁‍♂️ LearnwithInd
⏱ Czas publikacji : 27.06.2023

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